Library Management Committee
Name Designation
- Mrs. Mamta Shekhar,Principal Chairman
- Mrs. Laxmi Devi, Librarian Convener
- Mrs. Vandana Garg, PGT(Eng.) Member
- Mr. Suman Kumar PGT(Chem.) Member
- Mrs. Sima Malik, PGT(Hitstory) Member
- Mr. R. Kumar, PGT(Maths) Member
- Mr. Mohit Raj, PGT(Hindi) Member
- Mr. Rajesh Dhania, TGT(Eng.) Member
- Mrs.Mr. Jitender Kumar, H.M. Member
- Mrs.Sushma Mooju, PRT Member
- Master Aman Pandey, XII A
- Master Ajay Kr. Singh class XI A
- Master Anurag Singh, class X B
- Kumari Mahika Shekar, class IX B
- Master Dipansh, class VIII B
Library committee of Kendriya Vidyalaya AFS Arjangarh always constituted in the starting of the year/ session. Library committee meeting always held in the last working day of the month under chairmanship of the Principal. All the members discussed and prepare Annual Library Activity Plan & ensure to all activities held on time.