Student Services/Special Education
School Guidance and Counselling
The guidance and counselling of students is an integral
component of the educational mission of the school. Guidance and counselling
services and programs promote the personal/social, educational, and career
development of all students.
Information for Schools, Students, and Families
In the school setting, school counsellors, like all school
staff, have a set of professional responsibilities that define their scope of
activities addressing the needs of:
Colleagues and professional associates
School and community
Working with Students
The school counsellor's first professional responsibility is
to the students. The educational, academic, career, personal, and social needs
of all students within the school setting, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, are
the focus in planning and delivering a developmental, comprehensive guidance
and counselling program.
The diverse needs of students may require specific
counselling expertise and school counsellors recognize their boundaries of
competencies by providing only those services for which they are qualified by
training or experience. When students require specialized, intensive or
long-term counselling beyond what the school may reasonably be expected to
provide, appropriate referrals are made.
Working with Parents/Guardians
Parents/guardians fulfill a primary role in the lives of
their children. Collaboration with parents in the best interest of students is
a key activity of school counsellors. School counsellors do not provide family
counselling. The focus of school counselling is on the personal, social,
educational, and career development of the student. Providing parents, as
appropriate, with accurate information in a caring manner is part of working
with minors in a school setting. The open sharing of guidance education
activities with parents is separate from the confidential nature of a
counselling relationship. Working with students to keep parents appropriately
informed without breaching confidentiality is an important responsibility.
School counsellors bridge communication with parents at every opportunity.
Working with Colleagues and Professional Associates
Guidance and counselling services are part of a broader
delivery system designed to enhance the success of all learners. The school
counsellor establishes and maintains an ongoing professional, collaborative
relationship with school staff, clinicians, and other service providers who
work with students in the school. Colleagues and professional associates are
consulted and provided with professional information related to the educational
success and well-being of students who are also in their care.
Educational planning and services are coordinated in the
best interest of the student. Information is shared with adherence to
appropriate guidelines for confidentiality. School counsellors must work within
the limits of the law, within the policies and procedures of school divisions
and schools, as well as within the ethical requirements of the association of
which they may be members.
Working with the School and Community
School counsellors serve a dual role of educator (through
guidance education activities) and counsellor (through counselling services)
merging when the counsellor is involved in prevention work. All of life’s
situations interact with each other. For instance, by addressing a student’s
personal/social needs through counselling, the school counsellor simultaneously
teaches resiliency skills and affects the student’s readiness for educational
challenges. As a result of such interrelationships, the school counsellor
supports the integration of guidance and counselling services to address school
and community needs.
The school counsellor develops a comprehensive,
developmental guidance and counselling program with their school team to meet
the needs for their context and specific school population. This development
process includes identifying needs, implementing and monitoring programs, as
well as adjusting plans based on the developmental needs of students. Regular
evaluation of the plan and its implementation are important to ensure the
school and community are being served.
Consultation Support Provided
School counsellors are staff members who work together with
other certified teachers and clinical professionals to increase opportunities
for success in the lives of all learners. School counsellors provide
education, guidance, and counselling to all students in the school through
such as:
such as:
- direct instruction;
- guidance education;
- team teaching;
- group and individual counselling, and
- student support team planning.